Followers - an Orthodox Educational Program (3-18 years)
Followers - an Orthodox Educational Program (3-18 years)


Syllabus Framework (Last Revised: 15th March 2019)
An overview of the 16 age annual syllabus.
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The Followers (TM) Course Material consists of 480 sessions covering 16 ages, 3 to 18 years old. Therefore, there are 30 sessions for each age.  

NOTE: IT IS NOT THE INTENTION THAT YOU HAVE A GROUP AND A TUTOR FOR EACH AGE (unless, of course, you have a large number of children of the same age!)  

Most parishes will not need anything like the full 480 sessions unless they have a huge number of children and / or young people (which, however, is our aim!).

We are providing a maximum amount of material so that you can CHOOSE the sessions for the children you actually have.  The most important aspect is to choose sessions for your group within each age RANGE; that is: INFANTS, JUNIORS, MIDDLES and SENIORS.

Each year is divided into 3 terms of 10 sessions each. Each half term has 5 sessions and this is called a "Module."  So there are for each age, 6 Modules of 5 sessions each.  

The lesson numbers run from 1 to 80 across ALL the ages for EACH Module.  So in term 1 Module 1 and for all other Modules the 3 year olds start with Lesson 1 and the 18 year olds finish with lesson 80.  The numbers restart at 1 through 80 for each subsequent Module, (6 x 80 = 480 sessions).

Key for File Titles: Age>Term(T)>Module(M)>Session or Lesson(S)

"Sessions" and "Lessons" are terms used interchangeably throughout.

We have left 22 weeks of the year unused to give you flexibility for holidays, breaks and the possibility of allowing some sessions to span more than one week.  The key note, therefore, is FLEXIBILITY.

Please consult the FAQ's page for more details on how the Course has been designed to suit and serve your needs.

Followers (TM) is an ongoing development project.  We want to hear from clergy and catechists alike as to how the Course can be improved - things that are working for you (including new activities and tasks) and things that are not.  We will improve Followers (TM) in the light of these submissions.  

Please contact Fr. Gregory or one of our other Team Editors with your ideas and comments (see Contact Us page).  Please also make sure that our Contact information with regards to catechists in your parish is kept up to date.  Thank you.


Contact Us

Archpriest Gregory Hallam

Tel:  +44 (0)161 456 8167

Mobile +44 (0)7780 970884


Followers Editorial Team: Fr. Gregory (above), Oana Dragan, Christine Bitar, Marianna Roberts, Stefka Kuncheva, Fr Michel Touma, Miruna Belea and Kameliya Konstantinova.

Visitors from 27 September 2016

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